Pet Care

12 October 2023
There are three reasons why we recommend a full consultation and health check for every pet at the time of vaccination:
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14 September 2023
If we surveyed pet owners about potential allergy symptoms in dogs and cats, most would list signs such as recurrent ear infections, generalised itchiness, paw licking, or tummy upset.
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14 August 2023
Whilst most owners understand the impact of their pet's oral health on their general health and quality of life, many may still need clarification on the practical ways to achieve excellent pet dental hygiene.
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14 November 2022
Imagine that you’re a dog. Your owner clips on your lead (exciting!), pops you into the car (woo hoo!), and …
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13 July 2022
Is your senior dog or cat moving more slowly? Taking the stairs a bit more hesitantly? Or perhaps having trouble …
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29 March 2022
Seeing your pet afflicted with any unwellness or injury can be very worrying and may leave you feeling helpless or uncertain, especially if you’re unsure whether their condition warrants an emergency or after-hours veterinary assessment.
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3 September 2021
Each dental procedure involves a thorough assessment and treatment of any dental issues. This helps to ensure that your pet’s mouth remains comfortable and healthy, helping to maintain their overall wellbeing and quality of life!
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29 July 2021
If your pet seems unwell, suffers recurrent bouts of vomiting or abnormal stools, it’s important to book them in for an appointment for further assessment.
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23 March 2021
Vaccinations are vital Regularly vaccinating your pet is important to protect them against various potentially fatal or debilitating infectious diseases. …
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30 October 2020
With increasing day length and warmer weather, most of us, including our pets, will be enjoying more time spent outdoors. …
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12 October 2020
20% off Hill’s skin and food sensitive diets! For the months of October and November 2020, we are offering 20% …
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30 September 2020
A urine test is a simple and effective method for us to check the health of your pet’s urinary system. …
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30 July 2020
Thanks to better nutrition, disease prevention and proper home care, cats are now living longer than ever before. Senior cats …
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3 July 2020
At some point in your pet’s life, they will probably experience a gastrointestinal upset. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhoea and …
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Christmas dog hiding under blanket
16 December 2019
There are many hazards around the home during the holidays - and Christmas has it's fair share of secret nasties that can affect the health of your pet!
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28 October 2019
It’s Spring, the season of adorable baby animals, and that means kittens are going to be out in abundance! Already, …
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13 December 2018
During summer, most of our pet patients visit our East Kew veterinary clinic because they have been overexposed to the …
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4 December 2018
Separation anxiety is a common psychological condition which pets can suffer from when separated from their owner. Both cats and …
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16 November 2018
We’ve all heard the phrase, “First impressions are everything.” But did you know that this age-old adage applies to the …
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30 October 2018
Spring season is allergy season for pets so keep an eye out for skin irritations and inflammation, excessive scratching and …
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13 September 2018
On July 26th 2018, the Victorian Government officially declared feral cats to be a pest species on public land. This …
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9 August 2018
As a pet owner, it is imperative to know what kinds of foods are appropriate for your cat or dog. …
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29 June 2018
The dog park can be a great way to allow your pet to have some physical and mental stimulation away …
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30 April 2018
As pet owners, we often need to be prepared for accidents and illnesses will occur with our beloved furry family …
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29 January 2018
Snakes! As we are heading out to enjoy the warmer weather, so are the snakes that we share our parks …
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25 January 2018
Cats spend approximately 40 per cent of their lives as seniors. It’s therefore important that they eat the correct food …
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27 November 2017
Spring is already upon us, and with so much pollen in the air many of us use of hay fever …
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24 November 2017
The age-old battle between the animal kingdom’s greatest ‘enemies’ has been exaggerated in pop culture but has never actually been …
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24 November 2017
  Today, the dog food industry is immense and can be overwhelming to even experienced pet owners. With an enormous …
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8 December 2016
October to March is snake season in Melbourne – our pets are most at risk from tiger and brown snakes. …
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8 December 2016
Along with all the benefits of living in the most liveable city in the world, not having to worry about …
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19 July 2016
We love to see senior pets! Dogs and cats age seven times faster than humans, so it is vitally important …
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8 January 2016
Cooling off at the beach is a great way to turn your hot dog into a cool dog. As long …
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31 March 2015
Protect the health of your cat or dog with expert dental care from Vets on Balwyn pet dentist services More than …
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31 March 2015
Microchipping It is highly recommended that you microchip your pet. Microchips provide a permanent form of identification for your pet …
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4 February 2015
The first few days with a new pup can be a nightmare and particularly trying to get the little hair-ball …
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